Think about your daily thought process. If you live with other people like family or roommates this will be more effective...
But if you have a job or have any amount of money this should still be fun.
When youre cleaning do you think, "this isnt fair, I always do this. Why dont the other people in the house do this?" Do you realize that they may be thinking the same thing?
What about with money. Does the thought of working hard for your money only to share it with others erk you? Do you have moments of "I should get to keep what I earn?" Or "they owe me."
Do you think that others owe you a damn thing? They dont. People should be happy to share their time, energy, and effort freely. There are responsibilities to handle, of course. You need to make sure your bills are paid and your house is clean, but dont feel like because youre doing it that someone owes you. Youre doing it because its a priority to you. Youre lending people money because you decided to be helpful. Its just a good thing to do and youre so cool you got it done. If you can you should.
I have a hard time when people talk about socialism at a party or something and say something to the effect of "im not gonna work hard all day for someone else to reep the benefits for doing nothing." Well it happens quite a bit in capitalism. That's not how it works. It works more like paying it forward where every one benefits if everyone contributes.
The reason I bring up socialism is that theres an influx now of people being interested in sustainable living and sustainable living communities. All communities, sustainable, socialist, or capitalist work under the principles that every ONE works so every one can benefit.
The point isnt changing the type of system, its changing the mind set we have from needing "more more more" to being happy with what we have and knowing what is enough do that there is enough for others. No more "the less that you have the more ill have" mentalities and more "when I have abundance I want others to share in it."
Even with cleaning. If I feel like doing dishes, mopping, cleaning the counters, vacuuming, and scrubbing the walls it isnt fair to be thinking the whole time "why isnt someone else doing it" and instead thinking about how happy it makes you that its getting done and the next person doesnt have to do it so they have the energy to do the tasks you probably dont feel like doing. If everyone has a hand in helping just for the greater good and the satisfaction that they accomplished something we wont be looking over our shoulders and having grudges. And if you have a problem speak it out. Say "hey I really dont want to do dishes today. If you get a chance could you?" Instead of "well I did this and this so I think you should do that." They shouldnt have to owe you and it adds awkwardness to a very simple situation where you are just trying to speak your truth.
The fact is that we live in a society where blame is a key principle and im over it. Its changing but it can still be improved on. I want to be a part of change. I want to grow and be happy, not hold myself down by worrying about others. I try not to worry (and im not perfect) about what I am owed or what I am worth to others because I know that I am just another face in a sea of billions trying to get by, feed my family, and keep my shit organized.... so whenever you see your roommate or mother cooking or cleaning tell them "thank you" for saving you the time and energy. When you get served at a restaurant or checked out at a retail counter tell them "thank you" for being the person who does that, and truly genuinely appreciate the energy they are expelling just to survive while making your day easier.
We are not supposed to expect others to be our slaves, even if its only for a moment because you wouldnt want the role to be reversed.
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