Thursday, March 6, 2014

I have to vent. No one listens to me.

Seriously, no one listens to me. Is it so much to ask that you fucking respect me sometimes?

Even the dogs and the cat. Rex will make me get up and let him outside, and then when he wants in he barks CONTINUOUSLY until I let him in. Hes such an asshole. Hercules goes outside and immediately barks at nothing. Any sounds he hears he just barks. I want shock colors for both of them. Im sick of getting up an extra 20 times a day because of them.

Kristen doesnt follow simple rules, like dont do laundry Before 9am and after 5. Not only does she interupt my loads to do her own laundry but she does it at the times I specifically asked her not to, so we are paying extra for her TONS of laundry just because she is rude. Im not even gonna go into the shower situation, the electric usage, not turning lights off, and stealing my bounce dryer thingy.

Ok I am gonna go into the turning lights off thing - just because, ARE THEY BLIND? Its SUPER bright outside and the house is filled with light and they still turn every light on for every room. I know oregon is darker but jesus christ, respect others please.

Then there is the kids. Coral doesnt listen for shit. In fact she does what you ask her not to and then snickers at you because no one disciplines her. She touches and moves all of my things and any of Olivers and its driving me NUTS. its TWICE as bad now because oliver follows her examples. If I ask her to respect my shit kristen pulls her aside and tells her that she isnt in trouble and pretty much not to listen to me cause they are leaving in 4 weeks and mommy will give her anything she wants. Way to make the whole world that is normal come off as the enemy... You have to respect other people and this is the one big problem I have with them. Not all of them. Patrick is actually a bit considerate and will ask me if Im doing laundry or if I need help or if he is in my way. But neither of them Pay attention to Oriah and so she screams and wakes people up, destroys things, and wanders around the yard without supervision. That part doesnt affect me really,, because shes a baby. I really could just do without Coral in my house or teaching Oliver to be a giant asshole all of a sudden. I really dont like the things he does now because she does them.

My child was a well oiled respectful cleaning machine until recently. Now as soon as she shows up I dont even get to see my kid. Im a bit jealous and also just a bit mad about it because she will ignore when I ask her to wait and tell him to do things so he stops cleaning or eating or snuuggling or whatever we were doing until she showed up. Its really affecting me because soon Ill have another baby and wont be able to give him this attention. And she will be gone.